NJASK5 science test Spring 2018

Post date: Sep 29, 2017 7:34:40 PM

As if the shattering announcement wasn’t enough for you ... here’s the newest: Beginning with this academic year 2017-18, there will NOT be a 4th grade science test in NJ. It will be moving to 5th grade. The items on the test will focus on grades k-5 Standards from NJSLS-S (renamed from NGSS). That includes three-dimensional questions aligned to the disciplinary core ideas, cross-cutting concepts and the engineering practices.

The earlier thinking and guidance from NJDOE was that the 2018 administration of the ASK4 would indeed be aligned to the NGSS, but would remain a paper-based test. However, this is larger than just moving the test a year later and having an extra year of content on it. Instead, with the added computer-based administration platform combined with a relatively un-prepared fifth grade group of teachers (unaware until this week that their students will be tested this year), we feel that districts will be somewhat behind the game in their preparation for the implementation of the new standards and the new assessments associated with them.

Please feel free to contact us if you need help.